Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Fun of being a SUPERHERO

Repeatedly I post things that someone should either agree or disagree with, I have many people hitting the site each day, and yet I receive very few comments. So I have to wonder if people are concerned regarding their anonymity being at risk... Well I am here to assure you again:

Your true identity is safe unless you disclose it.
Nobody incuding myself can see who you are.
This is the "from" info I receive: Anonymous (

Just think, you can be a SUPER HERO when ever you choose. Imagine that you can help others to understand your viewpoint and possibly learn from your perspective. Or if you see my postings as an attack on somebody or something you care about, you can step in to defend what you hold near and dear. (ie To promote dialogue, I'll happily play Lex Luthor to your Superman)

I would prefer that people who leave anonymous comments sign their comment with an alias. This is so the other participants can get a feel for you, your background and beliefs. (anonymous: technical definition meaning you don't log in)

Now creating the alias is half the fun... I did it by considering the principles that I believe in, my concern that many Americans are becoming too self centered and avoiding their civil responsibilities, and robbing themselves of the happiness and fulfillment that is attained by helping others. (ie not just our kids)

With this in mind, here are some alias developing hints:
  • what do you truly believe in and what words associate with this ?
  • what are the names of fictional or real life role models that you respect?
  • what animal, car, flower, hobby, etc do you just think is cool ?

Now join into the discussions and help people understand your differing viewpoint. Or just occasionally drop a note to cheer me on and help others understand I am not alone in my crazy ideas.... Remember: dialogue is the only way to build understanding and consensus.

As always: I am likely wrong or poorly informed at times, only YOU can help me learn !!! Save me "superhero" ...

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