Thursday, May 14, 2009

Joy, Heroes and Leverage

I have tried unsuccessfully to promote readers to leave comments in several ways, including Joy of Blog, Super Hero, and now Leverage. My stats say that the site had 118 unique readers during the past month....

From my view: If you want your opinions and ideas considered by RAS area citizens. Taking 5 minutes to comment here returns 118 listeners that are interested in similar issues. This is equivalent to speaking up at approximately 6 of the typical RAS meetings I attend !!! Now that is leveraging your efforts to attain more gains/exposure...

Thanks to the many who have helped the dialog happen by leaving comments.


  1. John,

    As much as I love blogs and blogging, I find it a challenging forum for dialogue about complex topics. It's too easy to make assumptions about people and their biases when you don't have to see them face-to-face, hear tone of voice, and so on. When I do get pulled in to the world of commenting I often feel as though I've said something I shouldn't have, misread another's point, or "made matters worse."


  2. I do love your blog, but does it really matter any more what we say to the RAS board. We banded together; we called, e-mailed, attended meetings, voted "Yes", letter writing, etc. My school closes in less than a month! Funny that same school was number 3 in the district with good AYP scores, a structure that could be remodeled, involved parents, etc. Yet, they still chose to keep schools that are failing in every way (AYP, roof, walls, parents) open! All we can do now is to vote those idiots out of office. But, I thank you for keeping up the fight, but my kids are heading to the Wayzata District next year.

  3. JGW, I guess my viewpoint is that blogging will not solve the problems or implement the better mousetrap. The board, administration and citizens will need to do that in the formalized channels/forums. (ie board mtgs, elections, levy votes, etc)

    However, we can clarify information and raise different viewpoints in a very accessible and safe public forum. Hopefully this helps citizens perceive various perspectives of this complex situation. A broader perspective is almost always a good thing when forming opinions and trying to drive action.

    So my advice: blog your comments and concerns. Most bloggers seem to have pretty thick skin and will be happy to correct you. Besides, its like school... If you have the thought it is likely many others also do...

  4. Anonymous,
    Congratulations on making the decision to head West !!! Wayzata does have some great schools and I do not think folks took the potential exodus consequence seriously enough. (ie don't annoy those that can afford to be flexible...)

    As for commenting, I cover a lot of general topics and would appreciate hearing your viewpoint. Besides the public school challenges still exist in all the MN districts, even Wayzata.

    If nothing else you can help us understand Wayzata's "best practices" that RAS should adopt.

    Thanks for the comment !!!

  5. Jennifer,
    I completely understand your viewpoint. Things are easily misinterpreted in writing and people tend to be snippier than they would in person. I enjoy this blog, though, because it really is quite civil. (Thanks John.) The intent is not to inflame people. I post under my real name, so I try to be nice. :-) I have thick skin, and even I have gotten annoyed by comments directed my way on other blogs.

    My kids are enrolled at Sunset Hill next year, and I am looking for other families who have bolted for Wayzata. If you will also be at SH, we need to get in touch with each other.

  6. Anonymous, If you are interested in Christine's offer, drop me an email at and I can send you Christine's email address...

  7. Hi, all. I agree that this blog is civil, intelligent, and thoughtful. I comment when I have something to say that I believe I can capture well in a short paragraph. I just wanted to explain why, as a fairly regular reader, I am still most days "silent."

  8. I don't think message board discussions will provide miraculous solutions for the ills of the world but they can provide a forum for the exchange of views, and that can be very helpful.
