Monday, December 7, 2009

The KMA Card

Another attempt at a light hearted post... So I am at training a year or so ago, and one of my co-workers from another facility told the following story. (we'll call him Bob...)

Apparently when Bob turned 60, a friend asked him to stop by his office to discuss some important business. The friend said that the topic was critical to improving Bob's enjoyment, creativity and productivity at work. Bob was skeptical of course, however he was interested.

Later that afternoon, Bob stopped in and his friend had him sit down. At which time the friend made a grand gesture of presenting Bob with a small business card. The friend said that the card held the secret to Bob's happiness. He explained that now that Bob was fully vested for the company's retirement benefits and an incredibly capable employee, he deserved the CARD.

He then explained that whenever a younger "know it all" Manager or Supervisor told him to do something stupid. Or if he had an excellent idea that he typically would not share because the Mgr or Spvr would not like it. He was to pull out the card and read the 3 simple words that would give him the courage to act with honor and self respect. Thereby being happier and more fulfilled.

After this Bob was very interested in this magic card. The friend finally handed it to him and all it said was:






Kiss My Ass

Now I it may not be appropriate in the workplace in most situations. However imagine how powerful it would be if all employees could speak their best creative ideas or question "strange" Managerial ideas without worrying about reprisal.

By the way, "Bob" said the card actually worked. Once he felt free of the concerns that had encumbered him at times earlier in his career, he said he was happier, more creative and more productive!!!



  1. Managing older workers can be challenging. Sounds like this guy has given it some thought.

  2. Actually, the problem is that some managers are just incompetent at managing ANYbody. If they won't listen to good ideas or can't take criticism of their own, they're in over their head. And on the other hand, some employees aren't nearly as bright as they think they are, so maybe everybody needs a card like that.
    J. Ewing

  3. You know my viewpoint, I am a huge fan of Deming... Deming 2

    Modern companies absolutely need all the Creativity and Capability their employees can freely give. That is if they want to stay competitive... If the employee does not feel safe, why would they give...

  4. I'm more a fan of Townsend
    J. Ewing

  5. I'll give the book a read. Looks like he was a Theory Y guy also, though not into systems or processes. Thanks !!

    Wiki Robert Townsend
    NY Times Robert Townsend
    Refresher Robert Townsend
