Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Enabling Change in RAS

Annie had an excellent point !!!

At some point, even the best blog comment string has to take form in the real world. Otherwise we are just typing to see ourselves type. Therefore I have added links to the RAS Board and Administration contact information sites. Email and phone info is provided on these sites.

Please use these whenever you have questions, concerns or praise regarding RAS. Remember, you are paying all of them and they can not read your mind. Therefore you have the right/responsibility to contact your employees/representatives to help them understand your views and opinions better.

Email or call now !!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job John - just last week I was exchanging with a friend how much we enjoy our bus driver's courtesy and warmth. So - I hunted down Kristen Johnson's email (director of transportation) and told her so!
