Wednesday, April 14, 2010

RAS Board Meetings

Though the minutes are behind and I have not had time to look into the details, it looks like the Board is busy. Some interesting headings and details you will find include:
Check it out and reply with your thoughts. More details at:

RAS Board Agendas, Links, Minutes and Video

Probationary always reminds me of Animal House when the Frat House was on "Double Secret Probation" due to their antics.


  1. Actually, what might prove the most interesting are some proactive committee meetings trying to get out in front of the looming 2011-2012 budget shortfalls. These are internal for now, but some may be expanded with pubic members later.

    I have to say that Supt. Sicoli is taking ownership of problems that many are not yet aware of. Mack would just let it happen and tut-tut how we're underfunding education.

  2. I agree... Supt Sicoli does seem to know where he wants to go and is proactive about it.
