Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hillary is in the Race

I know nothing about this, however I thought some of you may have some thoughts to share.

MinnPost Hillary's Announcement


  1. I think Hillary will be our next president. I am a little concerned about Hillary fatigue with a year and a half to go before the election

    The more interesting question is who will be her GOP opponent. I am going to predict Jeb at this point, because Walker and Rubio are too untested.

  2. I think many moderates will be concerned that they can not trust her further than they can throw her. She seems to have all of Bill's poor qualities without his incredible charisma to make up for them.

    I think the only thing that will get her into office will be the fact that the GOP seems to be so splintered and unable to come up with a common platform.

    Only time will tell.

  3. My comment is Hillary has a big (unbeatable) advantage in the electoral college. I found one opinion to support that (Hillary starts with 257 electoral votes):

    The missing story of the 2014 election

    and one opinion that says it is a toss up:

    Clinton Begins The 2016 Campaign, And It’s A Toss-up

    my brother is a moderate democrat and he is currently down on Hillary, but I know he would still vote for her over the GOP candidate.

    I think for Hillary to lose there would need to be a low turnout and I don't see that happening.

  4. "moderate Democrat"...

    Please explain what that is? How many Republicans has he voted for?

    I am talking true Moderates... Those who cross between party lines.

  5. I believe my brother always votes for the democrat, he just criticizes them much more than I do. My point is many people may dislike Hillary, they just dislike republicans more.

  6. I believe you mean to say.

    "My point is many Democrats may dislike Hillary, they just dislike republicans more."

    I am even more moderate than your Bro. At least I have voted for at one Democrat. And will likely keep voting for her.

  7. It seems many independents may join democrats in voting for Hillary, even if they do not view her favorably:

    "And here's the real kicker: While Clinton's favorable rating among independents is down to just 44 percent, she takes 49 percent of their votes in a match-up with Bush. Among moderates, 51 percent have a favorable opinion of Clinton, but 58 percent vote for her in a match-up with Bush. And she does even better against the other Republicans."

    Hillary Clinton’s favorable rating drops below 50 percent. And yet she still leads big.

  8. I think I will wait -16 months before making any predictions.

  9. "My point is many Democrats may dislike Hillary, they just dislike republicans more."

    Democrats long ago stopped getting elected on their own ideas, and only succeed by demonizing Republicans. Hillary's excess baggage makes that very difficult. She couldn't even win the '08 nomination against an unknown and completely unqualified candidate.

  10. Oh, c'mon early predictions can be fun.

    I predicted Obama would win in Nov 2007, a full year before the election. After hearing this speech on cable access, I decided I wanted to see/hear him in person and went down to volunteer in Mason City Iowa one Saturday, where I was able to shake his hand after listening to him speak at the middle school gym.

    I am going to keep looking for opportunities to see Hillary in a small venue, but I think it will be difficult.

  11. I am sure Hillary will be in Wisconsin and Iowa.

    So you are batting 100% on Obama, how did you do regarding Bush getting elected twice?

  12. I won't make a prediction. I will state my hope, or my "desired scenario." That is, that Hillary rides out the current storm of criticism and clears the field of any other Democrat with a chance (just as I wanted in 2008) and gets the nomination. Then all of her dirty laundry piles up and her candidacy self-immolates, leaving the Republican-- ANY Republican-- with the victory, thus saving the country.

  13. I probably predicted Bush to lose, especially in 2004. In fact, I still can't believe he won.

  14. It is sometimes said that we get the government we deserve, But ever since Al Gore ran for President I have not believed that. We didn't deserve what he would have wrought. I don't think voters are stupid, but they can be fooled.
