Monday, February 6, 2017

Ignore The Lying Polls

Trump's ability to deny reality is simply amazing.  I have been discussing the term Lugenpresse. (ie Lying Press) It was a term most famously used by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Wiki Lying Press

I like to assume good intent when starting to evaluate someone's behaviors, however it is getting really hard to give Trump the benefit of the doubt with this "fake news" and "lying news" attack tactic he has been employing.

He is going to have a real hard time convincing the majority of Americans to trust and believe in him if he keeps it up.  He is like the boy who cried wolf too many times.  I think someone forgot to tell him that this is not 1930's Germany, we have a very strong free press, no strong government press, millions of bloggers , etc and all of us are happy to tell the Emperor that he is not wearing any clothes.
CNN Negative Polls Are not Fake News
Fox News Negative Polls


  1. not only does the media lie about the polls they also cover up terrorist attacks.

    President Trump is now speculating that the media is covering up terrorist attacks

  2. Trump's unwillingness to even tweet about what happened in Quebec while noting the French attack is SO STRANGE. I know I am much more interested in an attack that happened just across the border than what happened in France.

    Yet the Quebec incident is not aligned with the fear he is trying sew here... So I guess it is not worth mentioning.

    I personally think too much of the news cycle focuses on the violent events. But I understand that it draws the ratings, therefore almost any unique shooting or knifing gets covered.

  3. Just think... That Buzzfeed list is only since the inauguration...

    I think they should do it in reverse chronological order... Or getting to the bottom of the list after a month or so could take awhile.
