Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Who Would Want to Work for Trump?

After watching how Trump is treating Sessions, I really am curious why anyone in their right mind would want to work for Trump?

I mean it is hard enough to put up with a boss like him when he treats you like that in the privacy of their office.  But to put up with a boss who rips you a new one in front of everyone in the whole world...

And then it looks like Rex Tillerson may have had enough of Trump's antics.  And given that he is ~65 years old and worth ~$245 million... Why should he?

CNN Trump - Sessions Soap Opera
VOX Why Trump Suddenly Hates HIS AG
Fox News Trump Leaves Session Dangling
CNN Chill Emanating from the WH


  1. Trump relies a lot om military appointees. What helps with those hires is that those folks have a very strong sense of serving the country rather than any given individual.

    Trump also has a lot of appeal for people vulnerable to alpha males, the pheromone thing. Bullies always seem to attract their sidekicks.

    The issue now is Jeff Sesssions. In a normal administration, Sessions would resign in short order. You simply can't do that job without the president's confidence, in ordinary circumstances. But this case is different. Donald Trump isn't a real president, and without the moral or political stature to take on the AG, it's fairly easy for Session to defy him. Sessions knows Trump is too weak to fire him.


  2. Have you seen the picture of the administration's interns? Either only white people (and one token person of color) want to work for him or the administration is racist.

    I think it's some of both.


  3. Working for Trump isn't something you want on your resume. Trump won't have any trouble finding judicial nominees, being chosen by Trump is a stigma a lot of lawyers are willing to live with in exchange for a cushy lifetime job. But unlike when he worked in the private sector, Trump isn't now able to offer wealth beyond the dreams of avarice to those willing to put up with him. His choice now is pretty much limited to the military, and those with a psychological orientation towards lickspittle=ism.


  4. Why would someone want to work for Trump? Because if you ignore his personality, he's trying to go full-bore on lots of things conservatives thought were just a dream. He's started a commission that's going to suppress the vote (no other Republican in the 2016 field would have been this brazen about it). He's going to ban trans folks from the armed forces (there's no evidence that this is a problem). Eventually, he's going to pass a big tax cut for the wealthy. What's not to like -- he's the Republican id come to life.

  5. I sure am happy that he is not my boss.

  6. In the private sector, there was a lot of money in it. And Trump is very easy to manipulate. You just put up with the storms and move on. Trump's weakness now is that the doesn't have access to his accustomed motivational tools. He can't offer tons of money to make it worthwhile to put up with him. What's even worse for Trump is that few of the people deals with are much motivated by money. He has to ask for what he has never received in his life, personal respect and loyalty that isn't based on cash. It is sad.

