Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Partisanship, Propaganda and Disinformation

A gift from Laurie:

Here is a post / link from K. Drum that I found interesting, maybe because it paints a picture or media consumption more favorable t the left. This will give you something new to argue against if it interests you. a link is provided to the full report if you don't like Drum's brief summary.

Fake News: It’s Mostly a Right-Wing Phenomenon

Harvard Report

I'll need to study it in more detail later. I do agree that folks on the Right and Far Right do have a hard time with the big picture and conflicting views. I mean their willingness to watch FOX News pretty well proves it.

Though it may be statistically significant, I sure don't think they have a monopoly on it. I can pretty much guarantee what my Liberal FB friends will post on, and it is not an unbiased middle of the road link.

As for the Trump vs Clinton coverage, I am curious if they counted all the media coverage of Trump's outrageous claims as discussing the issues... Like when Trump said Mexicans were murderers and rapists... The news gave him all kinds of negative coverage...  Now was that counted as discussing immigration or ripping on Trump?

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