Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Farm Stress Can Be Deadly

CBS Farmers are killing themselves in staggering numbers

MinnPost Minnesota is considering doubling its number of rural mental health counselors. To two.

MPR As milk prices decline, worries about dairy farmer suicides rise

I had better keep an eye on my friends. I heard some of the reasons why the farmers are such a high risk group:
  • Many are single men (ie reluctant to see Doctor, Counselor, etc)
  • Many are trying to "save the family farm" that has been in the family for generations (ie big stress / guilt)
  • Little control over their costs or revenues (ie market determined and some farmers are not skilled at timing their "buying and selling")
  • Big bets can lead to HUGE losses
Personally I think things are going to get pretty tough if the commodity prices fall.  Possibly exacerbated by Trump's trade war.

There are a lot of farmers who bought real expensive land and equipment when commodity prices were high.  And Lord knows the costs are not falling. (ie equipment, fuel, fertilizer, seed, etc)

The graph linked to above is offset by one benefit, the yield has increased on average due to better seeds and farming practices.

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