Thursday, June 14, 2018

What are Children Entitled to in a Parent(s)?

I have to vent about the MinnPost Moderators again.  They published Ian's snarky "Judge not... Lest you be judged" comment. However they would not accept any of my 6 variations of "Ian, What do you think children are entitled to in a parent(s)? (ie level of emotional stability, responsibility, knowledge, maturity, financial stability, independence, role model, etc)  My first concern is the children, not the adults that interact with them."

11 Facts About Child Abuse
More Statistics
G2A How to Win the War on Poverty

The good news is that they did allow me to respond with Paul's latest far Left comment...  You know the one's where he blames the Conservatives and businesses for all the ills of our poor citizens.
"The controllable reasons poor people are poor seem pretty predictable:
  • low achievement in the area of education or skills
  • unwilling to do high hour, dirty or high travel jobs that are unpopular but sometimes pay more
  • pursuing their passion in a poor paying field (ie arts, charity, etc)
  • unwilling to relocate from their community
  • spend too much and or have too many children
  • addicted to smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc
Now how again does giving these people tax dollars help them escape poverty in the long term? 
Now I whole heartedly agree that society needs to care for those who are or become physically or mentally disabled.  And we need to provide a safety trampoline to help people up from temporary problems. 
However the idea that "work requirements" are in some way inhumane seems silly to me.
And please remember that low paying jobs are low paying is because there is too much supply and too little demand...  That is why I support deport illegal workers and stopping their entry until the lower wage jobs pay more. :-)" G2A


  1. From the MP Comments.

    "Too much supply? The unemployment rate is at historical lows. The number of job openings is at its highest point ever. Net illegal immigration is flat or declining. According to our traditional understanding of economics, this should be ripe conditions for wage growth. Yet, year-over-year wage growth is actually down, as of the May report.

    Something has fundamentally misfired in our economy." Sean

    "I am not sure what to say, this source shows increases at or around inflation. Of course we wish they were higher.
    Wgae Growth

    My guess is that we are feeling the first impacts of automation and the continuing effects of American consumers deserting the US workers. And that investors, skilled and technical workers will see continued increases, whereas things will get even harder for unskilled folks with low levels education.

    I mean our American consumers have chosen to stop supporting the folks working in the brick and mortar stores, folks working at the American factories, etc. So the jobs are changing to ever lower paying jobs for those with low skill and academic knowledge levels.

    Therefore my focus on ensuring kids are raised and educated very well by responsible and capable Parent(s)" G2A

  2. Again with those strange Moderators. They let me reply to Sean, but my reply to Tom disappeared...

    "Wow !!! 'By one estimate, half of all American children will receive SNAP benefits at some point during their childhood.'

    That isn't a symptom, that is a problem. And an unsustainable one at that. Much like Social Security, soon there won't be enough people left NOT receiving benefits to pay for those that do." Tom

    It went something like this:
    - almost 50% of kids on welfare
    - almost 50% of kids born to single mothers
    - about 50% of marriages end in divorce
    - about 50% of inner city kids struggle to succeed academically
    - many children are subjected to neglect and/or abuse

    I definitely agree that there is a problem, now what do we do about it?
