Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Trump Never Ceases to Amaze

And not in a good way... Over the weekend, Trump apparently tweeted that Jeff Sessions should have delayed indictments until after the election for political reasons.
"Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff......"

The irony of course being that he begs for the Justice Dept to play politics, while accusing them of playing politics with the Russia mess.

The amusing part of the week will be reading about Trump's response to Bob Woodward's new book.


  1. Here is an interesting addition to the story.

    Trump calls Bob W.

  2. Rich people think they can buy the justice system. And I don't know that they are wrong. No wonder, capitalism is in disrepute.


  3. Funny how all of these books seem to all get the same things wrong about Trump and his Administration.

  4. I personally loved Trump's delusional version of the truth.

    "Well, accurate is that nobody's ever done a better job than I'm doing as President."

    I mean I am fine with many of the things he has done, and even I can not buy that one.

  5. I think Scaramucci's view is very pragmatic...

    We know Trump's modus operandi is more like "Survivor" than "This Old House"... Why would any of this surprise us?

    Other than that Trump pouts, gets angry and fires people whenever anyone calls him out for any of his failings. Or vents to others about their frustrations with him.
