Friday, November 16, 2018

Acosta Gets Press Badge Back

NPR Judge rules in favor of Acosta and CNN

What I found strange about this is that apparently there are no press pass written rules?


  1. Is part of "decorum" making sure the President doesn't interrupt and try to talk over reporters when they try to ask questions? If you look back at the press conference exchange, Trump interrupts Acosta four times while he asked his initial question.

  2. I don't think any rules were needed. Trump is someone who thinks that being asked challenging questions is rude. There was nothing particularly out of line with Acosta but I am sure in general if there is a problem, it's handled with a few words in private.


  3. My view: Giving 2 ego maniacs each a microphone naturally leads to conflict.

  4. Was he asking an argumentative question?

    In any event there is or at least should be a division of labor out there. Reporters should get to ask questions, and politicians should get to answer them. It may well be the case that Acosta's behavior isn't all that we might want it to be, but he is just one reporter who doesn't work for us. Trump's behavior with reporters is abusive and bullying and he is someone who is employed by us.

    The odd thing is that Trump's bullying behavior doesn't diminish the person it's directed to, it diminishes Trump. Consider the reporter who asked whether Whitaker would interfere with the Mueller investigation. An entirely reasonable question, one with nothing of the stupid about it. Yet Trump called it a stupid question. Who came off better in that exchange? What are we as a nation doing with a president who can't effectively respond to a reporter from of all things, PBS?


  5. Agreed. Trump often behaves more like a petulant child than the President of the USA.

    What if they boycotted the White House press conferences?

    I mean they and we do not trust Trump or Sander’s words.

    Maybe they should ignore them for awhile....

    Would that have any negative Consequences?

    I mean other than ratings may fall a little because of less drama on their news shows. 😁

  6. I am generally against boycotts. In this case, the press needs to do it's job. What I do suggest is that the press find a way to show it's solidarity in other ways, to back each other up when they are under attack by Trump.


  7. "What I do suggest is that the press find a way to show it's solidarity in other ways, to back each other up when they are under attack by Trump."

    Right. If Trump ducks an important question, the next reporter asks the same one until he does answer it. The White House "daily" briefing is worthless. Send the interns, and tell them to report back if something noteworthy happens.
