Thursday, January 3, 2019

Far Left Makes Voices Heard

This will be interesting to watch...  Can the DEMs control their extremists or not?
WAPO Liberal Revolt


  1. this story seems like fake news to me or puts too much focus on a couple of votes. I think their rules proposal will easily pass.

  2. Now you're worried about fidelity to PAYGO rules?

  3. I am not concerned either way...

    "This will be interesting to watch...
    Can the DEMs control their extremists or not?"

    Hopefully they can control their Far Left
    fringe better than the GOP was able to
    control their Far Right fringe.

    Or they may give more offices back to the GOP in 2020.

  4. Being opposed to PAYGO is not an extreme position.

  5. It seems like only the far Left folks are resistant...

    And mostly because they don't want their hands tied when it comes to new socialistic programs...

    Seems kind of extreme to me.

    Maybe we can get them all to sign up for a balanced budget amendment... :-)

  6. "It seems like only the far Left folks are resistant..."

    Check to see what the votes were on suspending PAYGO rules when Paul Ryan was the speaker.

  7. Was it the far right voting against common sense then too.

  8. seeing as how the House passed spending bills this afternoon, one can assume that the rules were adopted. My question is, how do you tell an extremist from the average Democrat?

  9. “My question is, how do you tell an extremist from the average Democrat?”

    There’s an R next to their name.


  10. "Was it the far right voting against common sense then too."

    The Republican House in 2017 voted 227-13 in favor of ignoring PAYGO. Those are the guys you vote for.

  11. I assume you are talking about the Tax Bill Vote

    A bunch from both parties voted against it then in 2018. Spending Bill Vote

  12. Yes, hence my point: Being opposed to PAYGO is not an extreme position.

  13. No, we don’t control people well. That some Democrat somewhere is saying something stupid an that a Fox intern will find him is a realty I have learned to live with. At least my party didn’t nominate a guy for president who thinks Obama was born in Kenya. The folks in my part6 who think Trump was born In Kenya don’t advance nearly that far.


  14. Sean,
    I don't have time nor interest in looking at the details of those vote tallies...

    However I am betting the primary supporters of violating PAYGO were at both extremes.

    The Far Right really wanted that big tax cut...

    The Far Left wanted to spend the money...

    Of course the military spending increase may have complicated my theory.

  15. "I don't have time nor interest in looking at the details of those vote tallies..."

    Here we go again. Never mind the facts, I'll stick to my talking points!

  16. If you want to specifically determine who voted for and against the bills...

    And to compare this to where they are on the political spectrum...

    Please feel free... Otherwise both of us are just guessing.

  17. So, you're asserting that virtually the entire GOP caucus is extreme, then?

  18. They certainly are complicit if not extreme...

    I mean what historically normal GOP or DEM would vote to increase the deficit with a tax cut and spending increase passed just over a month apart?

    That is why I am wondering how the DEMs will handle their new Far Left members?
