Friday, February 1, 2019

End the Missile Treaty?

NPR U.S. Announces It Will Withdraw From Nuclear Arms Control Treaty With Russia

From what I think I know...  This is actually a good idea?

The rationale is that China being the USA's biggest real threat in the future. We really need to be freed of this encumbrance so we can pressure both Russia and China into a new treaty.



  1. These are complicated issues and stuff changes over time. The emergence of China as a nuclear power changes the balance. What is obviously need is a renegotiation of the existing treaty, a challenge that a master dealmaker might be interested in taking on.


  2. It's good for America because we can respond to the increased Chinese arms program. And it's good for Russia because they are now unrestrained in the development of weapons that threaten Western Europe.


  3. It seems Russia was proceeding either way.

  4. One of the more technical problems with Trump is that he feels no need to persuade. That's a reason why he has so little interest in credibility. Quite frankly, I have no idea at all how serious the claimed Russian violations of the treaties are. Trump simply has not bothered to make the case that they are.

    The deal Donald seems to want to make with Putin, is that Trump will give Russia a free hand in it's spheres of influence, Europe and the middle east, as long as the Russians have no objection to our building up the security of the United States. Is this really such a bad deal for us? What has Europe really done for us lately?

