Sunday, October 6, 2019

"We the People," not "Me the President"

The Hill: Powell: 'The Republican party has got to get a grip on itself'

To all the spineless GOP politicians out there, Colin Powell has some wise words for you.

"We got to remember what 
the Constitution started with: 
"We the People," not 
"Me the President,"

On one side we have Mitt Romney who has great character and morals, along with Collins and Sasse who can admit that it is WRONG for the POTUS to ask foreign governments for dirt on his leading opponent.

I mean please remember again, he did not ask them to work with the FBI / Justice Department.  He asked them to work with his personal lawyer...  Who should have NO ROLE in investigating corruption in another country.

Then we have a sleaze like McConnel who says he will work to stop the Impeachment proceedings even though he has not seen the evidence.

Then we have this idiot Graham who is trying to scare whistle blowers into silence, which certainly would be bad for our country.

Do you really want people to stay silent
when they see your politicians breaking
the law or embezzling funds because they 
may be harmed professionally or physically?


Do you want them safe to come forward 
so the questionable actions can be 
reviewed through the systems that
our country holds dear?

If Obama was POTUS, would your answer change?  Maybe that is a personal problem. :-(

NYT How to Sell Your Soul to Trump.

Impeach Process Comic

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