Monday, January 20, 2020

Trump Defense Fact Check

AP Fact Check  For those who are interested...


  1. Just as an aside, with all the concern Republicans had about hearsay, they seem to have no problem citing it when they think it's to their advantage. Trump's out of court assertions about his own innocence are classic hearsay.

    I am no without sympathy for Republicans who are forced to publicly pretend they believe such ridiculous things, especially after all those decades when they talked about how upright and honorable they all were.


  2. I think they blew the "upright and honorable" description when they went from the party of low deficits and free trade to the party of high deficits and protectionism in ~4 years...

    That has to be some kind of record...

  3. It has been a long time since the GOP was the party of low deficits. Their repeated big tax cuts makes them the party of high deficits.

  4. Good point... They at least "said" they wanted a balanced budget...

    Now they seem against fiscal restraint and balanced budgets.
