Saturday, March 21, 2020

Socialism / Big Govt is Bad Until

GOP wants $2 Trillion Bailout Package...  Really?

And the Senate is working on Sticking Points  Really?

Where are the Bailouts are bad Republicans?

And everyone is looking for their share of the Freebies.

What happened to self reliance, saving for a rainy day, etc?

And these comics are simply hilarious... :-)


  1. The current GOP stance of limited government regulation covered by federal bailouts when things go bad is not sustainable.

  2. Per Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-4, I blame our BIG problems on both GOPers and DEMs for the big picture long term problems.

    As for...

    1. Fund government to be safety net.

    2. Make people and companies handle their rainy days.

    Personally I like #2... But I agree with you that GOPers seem to want low taxes and gov't safety nets, which of course just means MEGADEBT for our kids.
