Thursday, September 10, 2020

US is Not Socialist

 Laurie wanted to note that the USA has dropped to 28 on this Democratic Socialism ranking tool.

I can't say I am surprised.  As we have discussed before, the vast majority of countries ranked higher than the USA are little itty bitty countries in Europe.  So the tool likely says more about the authors than the countries.


  1. America is certainly drifting toward socialism. Even a right wing Republican president is demanding price controls on drugs. A socialist came close to winning the nomination of one of our two major parties, something that would have been unthinkable even ten years ago.

    Nobody owes capitalists a living. If they want their preferred economic system to prevail, they simply must do a better job selling it to the public.


  2. It seems like the richest country in the world should score higher than #28.

  3. Or are we the wealthiest because we don't coddle people who do not try?

    Please remember that almost all of the those countries benefit from our wealth, strength and protection.
