Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Why Voters Like Trump

 This piece tries to explain it.

As discussed before, I am totally befuddled over why people are willing to over look Trump's poor behavior and lies.  Here is another explanation.


  1. Speaking of Trump, have you seen the clip of him taking off his mask on the balcony of the White House last night?

    The wincing and labored breathing are alarming. I don't think they're being straight with us.
    Not that I'd be surprised to find out we're not being told the truth.


  2. Now this White House would not lie to us... :-)

    It reminds me of a joke from Brad Paisely album.

    Wife says... "Let's run up stairs and make passionate love"

    Man say... "I am only capable of doing one of those two"


  3. Trump's themes are basic and universal. They always have and always will have their constituency. They will always appeal strongly to about 35% of the electorate. Sarah Palin criticized the Obama campaigns themes of hope and change. About a third of the electorate is firmly opposed to both hope and change. The challenge for Republicans is to add something more which brings them into the mid 40s where they can win presidential elections. Trump isn't doing that now.


  4. He and his supporters are certainly screwing up the GOP's future... That is for sure.

    If you lose life long moderate conservatives like myself to keep a liar in office...

    It still amazes me.

  5. I don't know about that "moderate" label for you. You're more of a classic Conservative, which just so happens to put you left of the modern Republican party.

