Friday, January 1, 2021

Living Above One's Means

creates a Hollowed Out Middle Class.  This piece caused me to ponder the challenge that many Americans seem to face.

They want to live "their dream life" whether their income / situation supports it or not. Which of course leads to high debt loads, small rainy days savings and a LOT OF STRESS.

Of course, apparently the alternative is worse from their perspective. You really think I should:

  • buy and stay in a smaller home
  • take driving vacations rather than flying to Mexico
  • buy and keep a cheaper, older and less fashionable vehicle
  • have my children attend a public school
  • mow my own yard and shovel my own snow
  • etc

Now I am thankful that all these crazy folks keep our economy booming, though I simply can not understand it.  Of course, I was lucky enough to be raised by stingy parents who loved working, old stuff, saving and investing.

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