Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Trump's Patriot Party?

 Excellent !!! Crazies join up and Republicans can become Main Stream again. :-)

I bet they could even attract a bunch of Moderate DEMs to join... :-) 

I know I am just thinking crazy wishful thoughts again... Romney for President in 2024 !!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. What was attractive to Democrats about Trump wasn't the things that made Democrats moderate. Trump shares with the left wing of my party a skepticism of globalism and international trade. The coervice measures he took against the occasional American company who tried to ship jobs abroad have a lot of support on the left.

    Some Democrats in difficult seats trending away from the Democratic Party are tempted to switch. But switching to Trump right now, is not an obvious path to power.

    I do wonder about Bakk and all. He had, I am sure, people whom he was close to, folks who worked on his campaigns, possibly were even his friends, who would never accept his switch of parties. It must have been viewed as a breach of trust and a destruction of personal relationships. It is kind of amazing he would think a committee charimanship was worth that.

