Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Sensitive Conservatives

 I think I lost another one of my sensitive conservative FB friends. Which is somewhat ironic since they are the one's claiming to support free speech on FB...

And it only gets better, he was posting memes about how people who were sensitive about Dr Seuss, Mr Potato Head, etc were already angry and intolerant people.

I just posted these comics and mentioned that if the GOP's strategy is to spend all their energy stoking anger and division, they would likely lose big time in 2022.  And that I thought the GOP should start focusing on policies and solutions instead.


  1. Our equivalent problem was how outrage was expected, even demanded us of us, over every Trump tweet. It was our naive leadership's attempt to manpulate us, and I really resented it.


  2. As I mentioned last Summer.

    It is the Time of Fear and Contempt

    Maybe times are too good for too many people...
    Too much free time and money.
