Sunday, January 4, 2009

281 RAS Facility Options and Mtgs

After 2 weeks of shopping, wrapping, traveling, celebrating, sledding, tubing, snowmobiling, hunting, fixing, cleaning and in general "relaxing"..... I think I am ready to get back into my typical routine....

Well, the consultants came back with their proposed Options ahead of schedule. The report contains a great deal of information and is worth an in depth review. (pg 56 for recommendation) If you want to influence the decision please remember to contact your board members, or attend one of the listening sessions. I am certain the 13Jan09 meeting will be lively, now that the schools have been officially named.

The recommendation seems to make sense, though I am still confused as to how the district plans to fund the improvement or rebuild of Lakeview and Northport. Northport in particular needs a great deal of expensive renovation. Hopefully the Board will explain the plan for accomplishing this as part of the facilities plan.

Also, it seems the RSI/Spanish Immersion enrollment should be adjusted somewhat in order to bring its mix of students more in line with the rest of the district. The current and planned numbers show this "cross district" school's student mix is significantly different from the district's student mix.

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