Friday, February 6, 2009

The Joy of "Blog"

Now I know there is a group of people who like to watch people interact. Sometimes this is:
  • at the mall
  • watching sports
  • blogging
  • other more intimate activities.....
Now I usually find it much more enjoyable to take part in the interaction.

With this in mind, there has to be a first time for everyone... And your participation can be totally anonymous if you desire...

So, when I write something that you agree with... Write a comment and
tell me "You are right on.... because......"

Or, when I write something that is so stupid you can hardly stand it.
Write a comment and tell me "You are such an idiot....
" (remember you won't hurt my feelings, I expect and encourage different viewpoints) So let me have it with both barrels !!!

Or, if you just don't understand the topic or why it is worth discussing. Write a comment and tell me "What in the world are you talking about??? Or why??? "

Just think, where else can you interact with dozens of people with no fear of guilt, no feelings of embarrassment, no concern about future meetings, and no future health concerns...

Also, we like hearing opinions from all Cities, States and Countries.... Even if you do not know where Plymouth, Crystal, Robbinsdale, New Hope, Golden Valley and Brooklyn Center Minnesota are... We actually appreciate your perceptions more since they are likely very different....

A special thanks to my readers from Canada and India....



    Interesting. Wondering if you had seen it.

  2. No I had not read this. Thanks for the link. I sincerely wish them luck in obtaining the funding. Seems those schools are due for replacement.

    My only frustration is that I view planning as something that relies on only a little good fortune. That's probably why I typically do not buy lottery tickets to ensure my family's finacial stability.

    Maybe I should try it: I hope this scratch off or pull tab pays for the new roof on my house...
