Friday, March 6, 2009

RSI Parents Rock !!!

Now I know you think this seems like a strange headline coming from someone who is luke warm on the Spanish Immersion funding/payment model... However, let me explain why it is the truth.

Not only did the RSI parents raise enough funds to pay for foreign teaching assistants who brought with them their fluent Spanish and culture. They also volunteered to provide room, board and transportation to them while here. There have been 9 to 14 of them per year !!!

Their level of volunteerism and giving is excellent !!!!

JGW or Others, Did I miss anything? Any tricks we could all benefit from to driving this level of parent engagement?
RSI PTO Budget


  1. Those PTs (practicing teachers) make a difference in our school community that is beyond measure, John. I think part of the energy behind it is that the money we raise goes so clearly to something that directly impacts our students. But not having another elementary experience to which to compare, I can't say for sure. Other schools have done similar things this year with arts programming, which is something I want so much for all our kids. They display the work for everyone to see which helps build momentum. I guess perhaps that's another thing RSI has going...the tradition now of having the PTs. If we didn't raise the money it would be a huge loss. Back to the arts: Noble, I think for example, has raised significant dollars for "artists in residence." It would be great for PTO leaders to weigh in with their thoughts on this...I have to admit to being only a PTO bystander and cheerleader.

  2. Thanks for the kind words for RSI. The PTs exhibit money incredibly well-spent, as I see it. In addition to the instructional enrichment, they provide an invaluable cultural infusion from many nations. I hope at some point to host a PT, and will be an aunt/uncle family next year to help support this program.

    Another RSI program I didn't know about until we began attending is the Ninos de Zihuatanejo service project. I'm only learning about it, but as I understand: every grade (voluntarily) contributes a different kind of school/health supply, and a small group delivers the boxes to a relatively impoverished community in Mexico.
    Here's a much more detailed description:

    Like any charitible activity, it's been a great opportunity for conversation about wealth vs. poverty, sharing our good fortune, etc.

    The Fiesta Fun Fair a few weeks back blew me away with the ambitious planning and execution. Volunteerism apparently runs deep in this community, and it's gratifying to see it in action.

    I'm proud and happy to support the PTO and service learning projects.
