Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Greatest Pyramid

I explained a number of concepts from "The Anatomy of Peace", however I just noted a critical one I missed. Do you ever wonder why people / kids don't listen to your:

  • guidance
  • criticism
  • orders
  • wisdom
  • other....
I mean I am sure "you" can see the wisdom of your comments, complaints, points, etc... And you "know" you are right. Or maybe you feel you are older and therefore must be respected and listened to... Why can't they understand? What is wrong with them?

Well, the following Pyramid and "How to Win Friends and Influence People" would infer that:

  • You have not spent enough time building credibility, mutual respect, understanding and trust...
  • You have spent too much time at the top of the pyramid (correcting, lecturing, fixing, etc), and far to little in the base (building, listening, learning, etc).
  • Therefore, You have little or no capacity to influence. (ie other than positional or financial authority...)
By the way, this is ideally suited to parents that want to influence their kids behaviors and beliefs, since authority and fear don't go too far once the little darlings are out of our site.


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