Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Present

One of my favorite books by a favorite author is "The Present" by Spencer Johnson. Here are the key points that he conveniently includes on a small card with the book:

Be in the Present
when YOU want to be Happier or more Successful
Focus on What is Right Now.
Respond to What is Important Now.
Learn from the Past
when YOU want to make the Present better than the Past
Look at What Happened in the Past.
Learn Something Valuable from It.
Do Things Differently in the Present.
Plan for the Future
When YOU want to make the Future Better than the Present
See what a Wonderful Future would Look Like.
Make Plans to Help it Happen
Put your Plan into Action in the Present
This is excellent advice that is explained in the form of a short fictional story. Definitely worth the read... Now, how to follow the advice is much more challenging...
  • How much time do you spend "really" with that person/child you are talking to?
  • How focused are you on that current task you are working on?
  • How do you release the past into the past? And not carry it with you?
  • How do you stop fretting over the future?

The reality is that the PRESENT is all you can "kind of" control at any point in time. It is definitely worth trying focus your energy there. This will improve your results, relationships and reduce your stress levels....

Any hints to help my readers?

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