Monday, September 21, 2009

RAS School Board Mtg 22Sept

RAS School Board Mtg is 22Sep09 with a Dialogue session at 5:30 and the mtg at 7. Looks like the RSIS Policy Docket and Budget/Levy are on the docket. Could be interesting!!!

I mistakenly reported there is a listening session tonight... I was incorrect. Please see JJ's comment regarding the Dialogue session.. Sorry


  1. John,
    Tonight is a Board Dialogue, not a listening session. Dialogue is with the whole Board and some scheduled group. In this case it's the System Accountability Committee, which is reporting later at the actual Board meeting.

    Listening sessions are with a few Board members (less than a quorum), the super and some admin people. The next listening time is Oct 5.

    Don't want anyone showing up hoping to be heard and finding out that's not possible.

  2. Thanks for the catch... I would have sworn it said Listening Session yesterday... However I have missed these things before.

    Thanks again !!!

  3. By the way, what is a System Accountability Committee? Just wondering if it is worth missing a home cooked meal for...

  4. Oops, I went on my merry way yesterday and never came back here. Hope you didn't miss dinner last night to observe!

    But, System Accountability Committee (SAC) does seem like a good committee to join to get a perspective on many programs across the district. I just looked and can't find the docs from last night's agenda on the district website, but they will show up again soon I assume. But look under "get involved" and "committees" to get a brief perspective. SAC issues a report we all get in the mail annually about district test results and about its review of curriculum. If I remember, this coming year among other topics, SAC is looking at IB and AP. The committee is a three year commitment but only meets once per month. One of these years it will fit my schedule and I will volunteer for it. I know people who are/have been on SAC and they consider it well run and focused.

    So that's the scoop. And next time I send a note, I'll check back later!!

  5. Hi JJ,
    I ended up missing both the dialogue and the home cooked meal due to "work stuff". I was at the Board mtg for the committee's report out. I think I understand the concept, however I am still puzzled by what value they add??? (ie what chgs or improves due their existence?)

    Systems Committee
    SC 2009 Report
