Saturday, October 17, 2009

District 281 School Priorties ?

Seems reviewing and discussing priorities again may be appropriate given the fast approaching election. Here are the priorities I have proposed in the past. (Criteria, Measures, see below) What priorities do you want the new school board members to support?

I believe the current board adopted the "everything to everyone" list. Which is what we asked for in the community meetings. At least during the meetings I attended, no one brought up "how to live within a budget?" or "what is more important, academic gap closure or orchestra/sports?". No, folks just described the things that were memorable from their childhood and therefore important to them. And when you add together the wish lists of ~1,000 "school focused" citizens who are willing to make time to attend strategy meetings, we get the "everything to everyone" list.

This is great if you do not have any fiscal constraints and you are succeeding at all of the items on the list. However, it does not work well in our current situation when trade offs are required. Where is the guidance to the administration when cuts need to be made? When push comes to shove, what really is important in our communities and our schools?

G2A's Proposal on School Priorities:

  1. All students graduate with the core knowledge necessary to pursue further education or begin employment at a typical American institution/company. (ie English reading, English writing, math, science, history, social studies, ~2 yrs foreign language, etc) (ie basic values, work ethic, citizenship, personal health, personal finance, etc)
  2. Student's are challenged in these subjects per their physical and mental capability. (ie special education limitations, standard, pre-college, etc)
  3. Basic broadening and appreciation experiences are provided. (ie basic art, basic music, typical sports, early language/culture awareness, etc.)
  4. Special skills and knowledge training is offered if all of the above are being met or exceeded. (ie 2nd language fluency, atypical sports, artistic expertise, etc.)In summary: We pay for schools to provide smart, balanced, productive, etc citizens in order to continue or improve the American way of life.

Now, remember that financial and management transparency are base expectations. These can not be traded off and should be relatively inexpensive, therefore I do not list them.

Thoughts encouraged !!! What do you want the school district to look like in 3 years? If funding stays flat, what should go first, second, third, etc? What needs to be maintained and delivered no matter what?

Remember: have your friends google give2attain !!! The more the merrier, the better the ideas/discussion and everyone is welcome!!!

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