Monday, October 26, 2009

RAS Candidate Forum - Round 2

Mark your calendars and attend to learn more about the views of your candidates...

Wednesday Night - Link with Details

Only ~1 week left to make up your mind...

1 comment:

  1. This was a really cool forum-- a great way to get a feel for the new candidates, in particular.
    I am a little surprised at how some candidates don't seem to have been following the goings on in 281 over the past few years. Brian Zirbes might be a viable candidate in the next election, once he's gotten himself up the learning curve.
    Then there are some candidates who seem to be fairly knowledgeable, such as Darlene Baker, but who have not campaigned much and therefore don't seem to have a chance of getting elected.
    So I've got Bomchill, Brynteson, Walsh, and maybe Oathout...
    Anyone who wants to agree, disagree, argue, or throw virtual eggs at me, feel free.
