Monday, November 16, 2009

RAS Board Mtg and Action Plans

I took a quick browse regarding the agenda for tonight's School Board Meeting and found these gems....

Action Plan Presentations (fixed...)

Meeting Details

The questions to the readers are:

  • Do these appear Specific, Measureable, Action based, Realistic and Time based? (SMART goals for Schools)
  • How do you think results will be measured?
  • How will people be held accountable for meeting these?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of writing goals for several years in the future?
  • What do you agree and/or disagree with in these?

My first impression is that they are a bit vague with goals often too far in the future to be useful. With that in mind, here are the questions I have:

  • What specifically does RAS intend to accomplish before June 2010 in each of these areas?
  • What specifically does RAS intend to accomplish before June 2011 in each of these areas?
  • What longer term 2014 goals would these shorter term 2010 and 2011 SMART goals support?

I think I'll try to make it to the meeting tonight. This should be interesting to listen to first hand !!! Thoughts encouraged !!!

One more personal pet peeve: Claiming the facility planning is complete...when I just listened to Supt Sicoli say that it has to be re-examined due to the renovation logistics, and potential plans to try and lure families back... it is either not done or done... I am fine with either, however, which is it ???

1 comment:

  1. I went to the meeting.. The board members and administrators seem to be asking the right questions and trying hard...

    I am still wondering... Who specifically will be accountable? What does that mean? (ie nothing, "a lecture", lost income, demotion, fired, "fall on their sword", etc...)

    Typically I find accountability only happens when one person is tied to attaining the goal. When I assign a goal to multiple people, the finger pointing begins...
