Monday, January 4, 2010

RAS Response to Intervention & Audits

They discussed this RTI topic in quite a bit of detail at the RAS Board meeting. What do you think? Is this something new and good, the "same old same old" with a different name, or a slide to the dark side?

RAS Response to Intervention Presentation
National Center on RTI
Wiki RTI
RTI: The Cons

They also covered the Audit report
RAS Audit Report Presentation

Thank heavens for web hosting and a big monitor !!! I am writing this as I watch/listen to the webcast !!! amazing ....

1 comment:

  1. I posted on this "last year" to say it was just old wine in new bottles, and I still believe so. In fact, I have some sympathy for the teachers that have to learn and endure yet another bite at the Achievement Gap apple.

    It does seem a little more focused, but it's still just too politically correct and still has too much psycho-babble to work.

    I still think you have to have the courage to tell the students and parents how far short they were, and offer some related suggestions. But cooking the grades and passing them to preserve their alleged self-esteem has to stop before we'll see any real results.
