Thursday, April 22, 2010

MN Fiscal Challenges

Mark your calendars. This looks good, whatever your politics or schools affiliation. Besides I'll be there, how much better can it get !!!

"Facing Our Fiscal Challenges"
link to RAS LAC)
link to FOFC intro)

Tuesday, April 27, 6:30-8:00pm

Brookdale Library

Public invited to forum on the state budget

presented by John Gunyou

Minnesota's budget woes continue this year due to fewer jobs and lower wages. The state's revenues have dropped below previously forecasted levels, leaving a current deficit of $1.2 billion. These deficits are estimated to grow to $5.4 billion over the next biennium.

Thoughts on this topic?


  1. I'm not sure it's worth the effort, having read several of his commentaries in the Strib over the years. He's big government, big spending all the way.

    Maybe I can be a heckler.

  2. Well, I'll bring the rotten veggies and fruit just in case.

    It would be hard to believe that he would push more taxes as the solution given our current economic situation. And the current ground swell that is growing against continually increasing government spending.

    Well, even if he does... I always like to understand my opponent better.

  3. Speed, Looks like you are correct as usual... Some links:

    Straight Talk

    Buck Passes

    Break Addiction

    <a href=">Budget Shortfall</a>

  4. And Progressives think we don't read the newspaper!

  5. I hope to make it. I've heard Gunyou on the radio and read his stuff, and he seems pretty common sense to me. Centrist, I think is what you'd call him. He's a Republican, for heaven's sake--why am I the one defending him? ha.

    Seriously, though, would it kill us all to listen to a point of view a little different from out own. Herein lie the roots of Washington's toxic partisanship.


  6. My schedule cleared, so I will be attending tonight.

  7. I couldn't make it due to family obligations. How was it?


  8. Well, I think Speed and I are concerned that Mr Gunyou may suffer from a bit of a split personality disorder. In other words, last night he was definitely verging on the conservative side of "middle of the road". The only downside is that I did not get to use that fruit...

    Though I did not take notes. In summary he said:

    - The financial problem is worse than the politicians are publicizing due to the state's changing demographics. (ie getting older / more expensive) The politicians are focusing on not rocking the boat in an election year, since no one wants to ruffle the feathers of their constituency.

    - Therefore revenues will continue to grow more slowly than expenditures unless significant long term changes are made.

    - The MN government continues to try to fix a structural problem with some term shifts. This will not work. Its like delaying a couple payments or dipping into savings after you become unemployed. It helps for a couple months, however you will be in trouble if you do not get a job or slash your household budget.

    - Anyone thats says they have a simple solution is lying or foolish. It will take cuts and revenue increases to fix the problem.

    - Local governments and schools need to become more efficient, critically review their "must provides" and become less dependent on the State's erratic revenue/funding model. He commented on tenure protecting poor teachers and rules preventing "non-degreed teachers" from teaching as 2 wastes that should be removed. Also, cities need to ear mark "State" money for optional things, not core services.

    - State revenue collection methodology needs to be changed to attract more businesses while bringing in similar or more revenue. Possibly apply sales taxes to clothing and services, while reducing Corporate taxes.

    Overall, he did an excellent job and I was very proud of the RAS Board and LAC inviting him. It showed a lot of guts because he definitely was not pro-status quo education. They knew this and still held the session.

    I'll post again if the LAC posts his presentation.

  9. Thanks for the recap, Give.

    Interesting--I don't really see his ideas as particularly conservative. I agree with 95% of what he said, and I'm a center-left Democrat. I do think he's a thoughtful, sensible person. Wish we had more like him.

