If you don't remember, alternative funding is a technique that larger school districts can use to raise funds without going to the voters. The rationale is good.
How else would a district with many schools get district voters to approve additional taxes to improve one neighborhood school, when most of the citizens are not connected with that school?
Please review the plan linked below so that you understand that our taxes will be higher to pay for the Northport and Lakeview remodels. Then, hopefully all the schools will have been remodelled, sold or torn down. And we will no longer need the Alternative Financing tax.... (right?) RAS Alternative Financing Plan RAS Board Minutes
Please note: this tax could be less if the excess properties were divested of. (G2A Sale Signs) The good news is that it looks like the Divestiture committee is looking at Brokers. (April Minutes)
Please also note in the minutes that Supt Sicoli is officially delaying the sale of Olson and Pilgrim Lane Elementary schools. Apparently RAS has no "Cost of Capital" or "Return on Assets" to worry about. In essence the buildings are therefore apparently free to hold. Well, maybe the property will appreciate?
On the whole, I think Alternative Funding is a bad idea. Given a choice between an expensive remodel that does qualify for AF and new construction that does justify its higher cost, just not AF, you get ... Robbinsdale Middle School.
ReplyDeleteActually, I think the problem is more basic, that school districts historically seem to be poor decision makers when it comes to facilities. When times were good and enrollment rising, the lack of restraint lead to ... Cooper High School.
I again say, let the districts approve their own operating levies, but significant capital for any purpose should get voter ocnfirmation. So do away with AF.
They will NOT sell Pilgrim Lane. Behind closed doors they know they made a mistake by closing that school. They will hold onto! Just like they held onto Sunny Hollow years after they closed it and eventually reopened it.
ReplyDeleteSo from your perspective, is that a good or bad thing ???
ReplyDeleteHolding onto property that is not NEEDED is a BAD BAD thing. We will see at the next Divestiture Meeting this week what the recommendations are?
ReplyDeleteThe day may come when Pilgrim Lane is sold, but I'll bet only after every other surplus property is sold. The politics are too dicey to sell it now.