Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Blood Letting

As I signed in this morning for my regular date with ALYX, I noticed the sign that was hung to remind the employees at the Plymouth Memorial Blood Center of the urgent need for O+ and O-. And the reminders to promote the benefits of giving via ALYX. (ie give more, while giving less often) Being both O+ and a regular ALYX donor, I felt good and chose to spread the word.

I started giving regularly about 5 years ago, it was silly that I delayed that long. Think... I get to give something that people really need and appreciate without spending a penny... Okay, that is not quite true. I have to drive 5 miles and donate ~1 hr of my day a few times a year. However, remember that you get free treats and drinks after donating!!!

Now, I do have one regret about donating... Ever since I started my mid-life crisis many years ago, I have contemplated getting a tattoo. Unfortunately, I can not give for 12 months if I have it done... And I have not been willing to delay donations for this basic animal urge... Though having the following outrageous words on me sure is tempting:

First: Seek to Understand
Second: Seek to be Understood
Conquer Fear !!!
Behold Wonder !!!
I am sure these tough tats would help me to fit in at the biker bars...

Now make some time and make blood donating a habit !!! Many people are depending on you !!! Maybe even yourself !!! MBC Home MBC Centers

If you are a regular donor, please share your stories and help these scaredy cats understand that it doesn't hurt a bit... (well... maybe just a little prick...)


  1. Bravo for being a donor. I'm an occasional one as well--though much less "useful" as an AB+. I started giving in high school and have been off and on since then.

    For me it's not remotely painful or uncomfortable; only the time factor gets in the way. When a former employer sponsored an on-site drive every few months I was happy to have a convenient way to give regularly.

    Thanks for the reminder to get back on schedule.


  2. About a year ago I was persuaded by a Red Cross volunteer, who called to schedule my husband to donate blood, that in fact I could/should donate. I explained I had fainted a number of times while getting shots (my 13 year old son enjoys laughing at me while getting our flu shots). Anyway, I felt guilty that I'm in good health and wasn't contributing, so I showed up to donate. No problem at all, as long as I don't look at anything they are doing and my son doesn't describe it to me!! Go to redcrossblood.org and put in your zip code to find a site near you.

  3. JJ, This may be a useful link for you... Blindfold with earplugs Keep up the great giving !!!
