Friday, February 18, 2011

Then is Price Fixing OK?

Yippee !!! This is my 400th post !!!

Often I like to have people look at things from a different perspective. So if explaining why Collective Bargaining, Tenure/Seniority, etc is good for our State is too hard, then help me understand how it differs from the following:

Imagine if all of the Mpls area Contractors got together each year and set a std job rate they would charge for each type of job... And you as the Customer could not fire or sue a Contractor that was performing poorly... You could only hire them, pay the pre-set rate and accept the outcome.

No freedom to pay excellent Contractors more. No freedom to pay for a job to be done faster than normal. No freedom to fire, hold back payment or sue incompetent Contractors. No freedom to negotiate a better deal.

Would this make any sense to you?
How does it differ from Collective Bargaining and Tenure/Seniority?

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