Saturday, May 21, 2011

MN and RAS Education Updates

You have to read the second paragraph of the Parents United update. As usual it says that the poor will bear the burden of all the cuts. Somehow they miss the point that there are many bureaucrats, systems and public employees that could absorb some of the "slower rate of budget growth. Oh well, the Liberal mantra continues. By the way, they do note that the Ed bill is ready for Gov Dayton to sign or veto !!!!

Also, it looks like the last RAS board meeting was full of interesting presentations. Any thoughts on them?

Parents United 20May11
RAS FAC Applicants Apply
RAS Minutes 16May11
RAS Equity and Integration Presn
RAS Student Opinion Survey
RAS Rigorous and Fine Arts Courses
RAS Special Ed Reductions
RAS 16May11 Mtg Video Access


  1. Re: Financial Advisory Commission

    Originally, the Board supported then Supt. Mack's interpretation to appoint nothing but dutiful accountants whose advice a competent Finance Director (like Lonnie Smith) didn't need. In particular, the original goal of translating these budgets from Latin to English was effectively scuttled.

    Two of us on that Strategic Planning task force applied, were interviewed and later rejected. Rather than just say the winners had such wonderful qualifications, the Board went out of its way to tell us that they could do without our kind here.

    Another we know that thinks like we do was appointed and later quit in frustration. They weren't doing anything useful as we expected given the makeup of the Commission and the leadership of the unappointed Supt. Mack.

    When the Board is truly ready to get something done by the FAC, they know where to find me. And my surrender terms.

  2. Now, re: Equity and Integration Presentation

    Actually, it was a fine plan and presentation. It made sense. Trouble is, we've been seeing a parade of such plans for decades now, each sure to succeed, the prior plan having failed. And there was nothing here to suggest this attempt will be any different.

  3. From Clayton:

    Clayton wrote: "Corporate America is running public schools right now. The media has protrayed the public school system and teachers as failures and that we need massive amounts of testing, standardization and American industry know how to come in and save Our students. Companies have slowly and deliberately pushed the agenda of standardization and testing so that the publishing companies, testing companies and other education related corporations have a steady income from the American tax payer. Colleges and universities get private and federal money to do"research" in the soft science to push the agenda along. The people who are actually involved with the students and know what is going on have lost all influence in the schools yet the media portrays the teachers as part of a powerful union preventing education reform. It is easy to have an opinion on public schools I think the public should spend a week with a teacher to really begin to understand what is going on in the schools"

  4. So you are making the argument that each and every individual Teacher or group of Teachers should be allowed to decide what is important to teach? What the kids will need?

    In fact, that Teacher group would be smarter and more capable than the national experts that help create the textbooks? Or those that create the standardized testing materials?

    Seems a bit unrealistic...

    Here is are some links to why I support Testing and Stds.
    G2A MCA Testing
