Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ann Romney and Paul Ryan Speak

Okay she sold me that Mitt is human, has experienced "normal life" and would make an excellent President.

What did you think?

YouTube Ann Romney's Speech


  1. Mrs. Romney and Democrats agree that the lives of women are difficult. Where the difference comes is that Democrats believe women's lives should be made easier, or at the very least not more difficult. By the way, check out Tabbibi's piece on Mitt Romney and private equity in the current issue of Rolling Stone.


  2. I had Ms. Romney's speech on last night, but only partially watched it. It seems her job was to make Mitt more likable, especially to women and I don't think she was all that effective in carrying this out. I think her strong focus on how great women are perhaps turned off some men.

    I can't say that she improved my impression of herself or Mitt. We were joking at dinner tonight about some radio comments heard today of how for the Romney's struggling through grad school meant selling off some stock (given to him by his father), whereas I think of struggling as still paying off student loans 15 years after graduating.

  3. She was definitely there to appeal to the women.

    Paul Ryan's speech was for the men... (ie go get em...) I remembered why I hate listening to politicians after about 5 minutes.

    What did you think of his? I am thinking fact checker will have some work to do, though he did pump up the Conservatives. (FactChecker GOP)

  4. Thought so... It seemed pretty thick...

    FactCheck Ryan
