Saturday, March 30, 2013

San Antonio, Posts and North Korea

Sorry for the delay in posting again.  This time the family and I took a quick spring break vacation in lovely San Antonio TX.  While there we visited the Natural Bridge Caverns, Sea World, the River Walk and the Alamo.  The girls also got to interact with Beluga whales.  We had a great time though it was a little cool for San Antonio. (60's and 70's...)  However the grass was green and there were flowers to be seen.

Also, I am kind of running out of interesting and non-repetitive topics.  So please write me a note or post a comment if you have some ideas for a post topic.  And remember that I am happy to publish posts from guest authors.  Just email me your post and I'll put it up on the site giving you full credit/blame... And yes I am happy to post Conservative, Liberal, Anarchist, Fascist and any other views as long as the meet the G2A Rules. (ie polite and not too personal)

North Korea seems to be in the news an awful lot lately.  It is odd that such a small country can make so much noise.  What are your thoughts?  Should we ignore them, blow them up, keep up the political / economic pressure, other?

CNN bellicose rhetoric
CNN Behind the veil
CNN Why N Korea regime is scary

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to take more vacations... Readership hit an all time daily high yesterday... G2A had 142 hits yesterday. yippee!!!!

    Still looking for ideas or guest posts...
