Monday, July 29, 2013

More Fun in Israel Palestine

Every time the Israel Palestine conflict comes up, I think of one of my favorite books.  " The Anatomy of Peace"...  It's back story is that one of the counselors is from Israel and the other is from Palestine.  They both hated the "other side" until they learned the truth about collusion.

With that in mind, do you think that the people in Israel understand their role in continuing the conflict that they say they hate?  And do you think the people in Palestine understand their role in continuing the conflict they say they hate?  Do you see any pending change coming that will improve the situation????

CNN Peace Talks
Anatomy of Peace Slides
Peace Players International
Tips for Well Being


  1. While I know very little about the issues in the ongoing dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, I do have more empathy for the Palestinians and their desire for a autonomous homeland. I also have low expectations for any progress to be made in these new peace talks.

  2. I am more interested in who they will blame for a lack of progress? The other people or themselves. Can they even see their role in the collusion they are entangled in?

  3. Who else actively contributes to the conflict they swear they want to end?

  4. Welcome back to the comments section, John. Your blog has become more boring with your recent limited input.

    about the peace talks- when they likely fail again both sides will obviously blame the other. Then again, peace remains an improbable possibility.

    "I firmly believe the leaders, the negotiators and citizens invested in this effort can make peace for one simple reason: because they must," Kerry said. "A viable two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end. And there is not much time to achieve it. And there is no other alternative."


  5. I am trying to get back to commenting, however acclimating to a new job/company is taking a lot of my time lately. Also, they have summer hours where I can work my 40+ hour job in 4 days and have Fridays off. Which then encourages my family / friends to keep me busy on the long weekends. I am actually looking forward to my upcoming business travel to Korea, I'll have some time to relax and think. Though the chaos has been fun...
