Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Impeach Obama?

J,    Maybe you can enlighten me and save me some research.  With some Conservatives openly dreaming of impeaching Obama, could you tell me what grounds they are imagining using?

I may not always agree with the President, however this seems a bit out there.  Thoughts?

WP Constitutional Grounds for Impeachment
CNN Nearing Grounds for Impeachment
Think Progress 10 Reasons GOP wants to Impeach President


  1. "out there" only in terms of the unlikelihood that Senate Democrats would convict, even if we had enough strong-spined Republicans in the House to impeach. Other than that, TP pretty well lays out the crimes, all of the "failure to faithfully execute the laws of the United States" (as passed by Congress) variety. I would add to that all of the Obamacare delays and waivers; I've been waiting for somebody to take him to court and FORCE that pain upon us, right now, so the public will demand Congress get rid of that abomination.

  2. It does seem that he uses a lot of "Executive Orders".

  3. It is my impression that Obama has issued no more executive orders than other recent presidents. My quick search turned up a snopes link that shows my impression is correct.

    executive orders

    I think the idea of impeaching Obama is absolutely ridiculous, but I wouldn't mind at all if they did it and lost their house majority in 2014 as a result/

  4. Laurie, I don't think the number of EO's is the issue. It is the vast scope of them, and the fact that they are contrary to the very clear law of the land. For example, his most recent order provides de facto amnesty to illegal immigrants, something CLEARLY outside his authority and contrary to US law. As for GOP prospects in 2014, I agree that impeachment has a high risk/reward ratio, explained by the old adage, "If you strike at a king, you must kill him." And Obama thinks and acts as if he is the king.

  5. I think we would fire a DA or Police Chief who decided to not enforce our laws.

    Makes sense.
