Monday, November 4, 2013

Koch Brothers: Angels or Devils?

Apparently Harry Belafonte decided to go on a tirade against the Koch Brothers.  According to the CNN article he compared their activities to those of the Ku Klux Klan and said "They are white supremacists."

Now I am used to Liberals vilifying the Koch Brothers and accusing them of a multitude of sins,  however this seems extreme even by the standards of a leftist group like the MPP folks.

Since I know nothing about the Koch Brothers other than what I have read below, I figured I'd post and see if there are some strong opinions out there.  Are these guys greedy white supremacists or generous freedom fighters and philanthropists?  Thoughts?

CNN Koch, Belafonte and the Klan
Koch Brother's Charitable Giving
Koch Family Foundations
Koch's Influence Spans...


  1. I think that kind of rhetoric is regrettable. Harry's an old guy, who has done a lot of great things in his time, and I think the best thing would be not to pay too much attention when he says those sorts of things.

    In general, the railing against the Koch brothers by the left, and Soros by the right, is an effort to substituted demonism for policy discussion. It also contains a hint of anti-semitism.


  2. I spent a few minutes trying to figure out their "Jewish ties". Seems almost like one of those urban legends... Do you know the background?

  3. My antennae always sort of go up, when I see people attacked on a personal basis. It's an issue for me when Alinsky is attacked as well.

    As for Harry, he is from a different era who has never been known for his insight into political issues. For myself, I just ignore what he says, and on occasion, I just listen to his music. I take much the same approach with John Wayne, with respect to his movies.

