Saturday, January 4, 2014

Some Christians are Crazy?

A good family friend passed this link on to my Mother, and she thought I may find it interesting.  Bon's Blog is apparently written by a woman that is hearing the voice of God.  Apparently she is getting some inside scoop on the end of the world, and apparently I had better be taking more vacations soon.

Now I understand that there are some crazy folks out there that hear voices, what surprises me is that this very rational seeming family friend house wife would have given enough credence to pass out their literature.

So is the end / beginning coming soon?  Have you ever heard voices?  And what do you think of the bumper stickers below?

Bumper Sticker 1  Bumper Sticker 2  Bumper Sticker 3
Bumper Sticker 4  Bumper Sticker 5  Bumper Sticker 6
Bumper Sticker 7  Bumper Sticker 8


  1. Some atheists are crazy, too.


  2. I wonder whose voices they hear?
    Wiki Atheist List

    And if they have discussions with them.

  3. When atheists talk about hearing voices they are considered mentally ill and relieve medical treatment. When many Christians hear the voice of God this is just part of their religion.

    'When God Talks Back' To The Evangelical Community

  4. I am thinking Luhrman may not be quite all there based on her citing this stat.

    "Another study cited by Luhrmann found that 26 percent of all Americans say they have been given a direct revelation from God."

    According to Wiki 79% of Americans are Christian or another faith. I find it hard to accept that 1 out of 3 have had direct revelations. Especially if she thinks these are voices.

    Now that gentle feeling that nudges Christians in the right direction may be the Holy Spirit. However I have heard of very few Christians experiencing to 2 way dialogue. That is why I thought this woman was unique and worthy of discussion.

  5. I wonder if some of the Atheists are hearing God, but they refuse to listen... That would be disconcerting to most people.

    I liked the bumper sticker that said "Their are no Atheists in Hell, because they all believe when they are there"...

  6. You dismiss Luhrman too quickly. I read her book a couple years ago (religion is one of my favorite topics). It was mostly interesting, though a bit too long for me.

    Here is another link to a review that is a bit more in depth:

    SEEING AND BELIEVING Experiences with evangelical congregations.

    I think there is a wide spectrum of how people relate to God. The blogger that you linked to is at one end of it. Do you think she is crazy?

    My previous comment was a bit flippant, as I think many people believe they receive divine comfort and guidance. I think the blogger's end times prophesies are crazy, but not in the sense of mental illness which needs to be treated with anti psychotics.

  7. I wonder whose voices they hear?

    Camille Paglia's.


  8. I am leaning towards thinking she could use some medication...

    However if the old time prophets got messages from God... Who knows?

    Though I am not spending my life savings anytime soon based on her epiphany.

  9. I think you should be more accepting of her, as Christianity is largely based on voices and visions and people have been talking about end times from the very beginning.

  10. I've always lived by the precepts of St. Augustine, who said, "Love God, then do as you please." I translate that to mean you make every decision based on what you think is best, and know that if God wants you somewhere you may as well pack a bag. The great sin isn't what you do, it's not listening for God's "suggestion" before you do it. If you don't hear, proceed.

  11. And just because you don't hear the voice doesn't mean God isn't speaking. I've seen too many miracles in my life to believe otherwise.

  12. Let's expand this then.

    I unfortunately have heard / read about more "disasters / death" than "miracles". Is God to held blameless for the disasters, and praised for the miracles?

    Sounds like a great job if you can get it.

  13. "Is God to held blameless for the disasters, and praised for the miracles?"

    Here is one Unitarian's take on the nature of God which makes a good deal of sense to me:

    Power and Process Theology

    The great thing about blogs is the direction they take is unpredictable. My link is probably more suited to a small group discussion at my church than it is for blog comments. I just threw it in as an example that one need not be Christian to be religious and the big questions have many possible answers.

  14. Laurie,I think you're onto something. There is a book called "when bad things happen to good people" that solves the conundrum of suffering nicely. I also believe that God COULD work miracles anytime She wanted, but holds back because she loves us and gives us free will. As I said, I believe that if you are listening, God will tell you when you are about to do wrong. That doesn't mean you won't make a poor decision or get hurt, just that you get to make most choices yourself. OTOH, God can be very persuasive, arranging events so that you do Her will. And then, of course, you have my father's theory that God enjoys Her little jokes, and we ought to laugh along.
