Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Black Officers Perspective

This is an interesting read.

CNN Black Police Officers Thoughts
The Grio Officers Open Letter

Of course, then there are these sad stories...
CNN Officers Executed
CNN Florida Officer Shot

So what do you think, are all these protests encouraging the crazies to get violent?

Or are these murders just a normal risk of being a police officer?  If so, I think I would be shooting first and asking questions later...


  1. "So what do you think, are all these protests encouraging the crazies to get violent?"


    If people really want to go there, though, it's going to get interesting.

  2. I think the protests raise the risks to officers very slightly.

    I was curious so I googled how many officers killed each year and found a source that said about 150 (which I found surprisingly high)

    The NYC officer deaths are the first since 2001.

    This article was interesting about the mayors difficult job in trying to balance support for both officers and the African Americans in his city:

    Police officers' slaying raises pressure on New York mayor

  3. Here is a good topic for your blog. It even uses Robinsdale district as its primary example:

    In Minnesota, the discipline gap isn't only an urban problem

  4. Sean,
    So if good consequences come from the protests, are you going to deny the causal relationship?

    My view is that the protests are raising visibility and emotions on both sides of the discussion.

    The protesters should take responsibility for the deaths of these officers, just as they will accept the praise of political change if it occurs.

  5. "The protesters should take responsibility for the deaths of these officers"

    OK, then are conservatives going to take responsibility for their rhetoric:

    Is the Cliven Bundy's or the Tea Party's fault that two of his followers killed two police officers in Las Vegas and then draped them with the Gadsden flag?

    What responsibility does Bill O'Reilly have for doing 28 programs on George "The Baby Killer" Tiller, calling him "a savage on the loose, killing babies willy-nilly", accusing him of operating a "death mill" and said he defended child rapists?

    Are conservatives going to take responsibility for their anti-IRS rhetoric after a guy flew a plane into an IRS building and killed two folks.

    on and on and on and on...

    I think for the most part, as a society, we've decided that we're not going to hold broader movements solely responsible for the actions of extremists.

  6. Breibart: Woods Blames Sharpton

    The reality is that the liberals have often blamed the far right folks for hate speech, racial slurs, bigotted views, etc that cause harm.

    The question is are they willing to accept the blame when their hate talks incites violence.

    I am not saying should someone be thrown in jail or sued. I am just curious if the anti-violence crowd is stopping to self reflect on how their choices and actions of late promoted this act of senseless violence?

    Or are they in their self righteous self view denying that their stereotyping and villifying police promoted this execution?

  7. Capitol Sharpton Calls for End of Blame Game

    I find this comment from Sharpton fascinatinating given the months of blame, discontent and hate he has stirred up.

    ""I hope faith leaders convene this week to get us past irresponsible and reckless statements. To blame the mayor, and others, is not what we need," he said. "The blame game will only lead to further kinds of venom and further kinds of division.""

  8. The black lives matter protests do not seem hateful to me. I was at the mall on Saturday so I took time to observe the protest there, which was not the least bit hateful, in my opinion.

  9. Hot Air Anti Police Protesters Crash Memorial

    The apparent belief of the protesters that many officers do not believe "Black Lives Matter" is the sad part of their message. Especially since those officers risk being killed or injured every day they come to work to protect those "Black Lives" from the predators in those neighborhoods.

    If folks were protesting outside your school saying that Somali students lives matter and that the Teachers inside were hostile to Somali students... Would that be a positive or negative message? One of Love or Hate?

  10. If people protested outside my school it would make me reflect on how I do my job and try to do it better.

  11. Really. Even if most people think you are doing a good job? And just a small vocal group is protesting?

  12. I mean NCLB passed with bipartisan support and public Ed fought it while millions of poor minority kids were robbed of their future.

  13. Then of course, last night they rioted because an officer shot a man with a gun...

  14. We would never get protesters as unhappy parents just put their kids in another school. In education there are parent protests at school board meetings. The most controversial thing in education is discipline and suspensions.

    At my school we are all about trying to raise test scores as the school could be closed in a couple years if we don't.

  15. What maddens me about these protests is that they're based entirely on lies, misjudgments and horrific demagoguery. This notion that these black victims were poor, innocent waifs cut down by viciously racist white police is unadulterated claptrap of the vilest sort, and begets the vilest sort of behavior from the insane outliers. Where are the protest over the millions of minority kids denied a proper education by the public school system, or the poverty and hopelessness of millions of minority kids raised in welfare homes because government has encouraged it? How about the thousands of young minority men who drift so easily into drugs and crime, forcing police confrontations, or perpetrating about 98% of all murders of black victims?

  16. I agree that welfare rewards bad choices, however I do not haave better acceptable solution.

    Young poorly raised irresponsible adults tend to make babies that they can not afford to feed, clothe, house, etc... And then those children grow up to be young poorly raised irresponsible, adults...

  17. I don' t see mandated birth control until parents can pass a parenting test and show adequate finances being allowed by the religious right or the ACLU...

  18. And I don't think letting the families live on the streets begging for food and clothing is going to deemed acceptable by many....

  19. I have a better and wholly acceptable solution. Simply re-institute the welfare reform that Obama cancelled, whereby there is a 5-year lifetime limit on benefits, during which work and/or training must be pursued, then follow through with it. At the end of the two-year initial period, extra "help" kicks in before people hit the 5-year lifetime limit, and the welfare rules are changes so that the "cliff" is not there, penalizing people for taking a job but rather supplementing their income so the more they work, the more total income they have. At the end, you will have only those people who really CAN'T support themselves-- paraplegics for example-- and those who WON'T work to support themselves. Government may want to find alternative ways to subsidize and employ the former and then "motivate" the latter by ending benefits. Either way, private charity should be able to pick up most of the vastly reduced number of the truly needy. I know, it's "tough love," but people will not take responsibility so long as somebody (government) stands there with an easy handout.

  20. Based on my experience, those darn kids are expensive for a lot longer than 5 years... And I am not sure how even a well intentioned Mom with 2 kids and a $10/hour job would get by without assistance...

    Now I agree with you that tough love may be called for. But to let the kids go hungry, homeless, etc sounds a bit cruel. (ie making them pay for the sins of their parents) Thoughts?

  21. You are correct, that 5 years isn't enough time to make up for the horrible consequences of the last 50 years of welfare policy. But ask yourself: How did this single mom GET those two kids? Was it some government mandate? No, it was a case of perverse incentives that need to be corrected; removed. I never said that additional assistance would NOT be needed (in some cases just to learn simple things like showing up for work), but only that the "cliff" should disappear along with the "free ride."

  22. An interesting set of posts, indicating to me the old problem of who fact-checks the fact checkers? Here we have two reports that seem to see the same basic facts (hard to tell amidst all the fluff) yet come to completely opposite conclusions. You know which one I will agree with, and I believe the underlying facts support that interpretation. That is, welfare rolls were dropping precipitously until Obama's executive action, at which point they started rising again. Don't ask me for a citation, but feel free to offer evidence to the contrary if you can.

    More to the topic, what evidence exists that the police are racist in any but the tiniest fraction of encounters, and is it racist if a BLACK cop shoots a black youth, or a white youth under the same circumstances? Or merely the police, all blue, doing their job as best they can? At what point does the "black community" stand up and stop excusing the typical thuggish behavior that attracts police attention?
