Saturday, April 18, 2015

Dayton: Free to Tax, Spend and Over Regulate

I am thankful that the GOP controls the House, imagine how much trouble we would be in if the Governor and DFL had free rein right now...  MinnPost: Dayton Unbound 



  1. I think things are going rather well. Let's not forget that it was the Republicans who came very close to destroying the American economy, not the Democrats.


  2. I always find that view so humorous. Like it only takes one party to gridlock a government...

    It takes 2 to agrue. It takes 2 to fight. And it takes 2 to gridlock the government.

    Just like Obama whining about his Attourney General candidate being blocked. Maybe if he would give a little, his challenges would be fewer. But NO, he demands absolute control.

  3. I am looking forward to May/June when MN can not pass a budget because Dayton and DFL will demand even more Tax Increases and the GOP says NO.

    Then Dayton, the DFL and you will be saying that the GOP is being "obstructionist" again. While denying the DFL role in the grid lock.

  4. I predict a budget will be passed and the legislative session will end as scheduled in mid May.

    I think the biggest difference the GOP house is making is no gas tax and maybe a bit more of the surplus used to fund tax cuts.

    With total dfl control more of the surplus would go towards education and less towards tax cuts.

    I don't think the GOP will be able to cut taxes as much as they would like.

  5. Laurie,
    I think with total DFL control we would have had no tax cuts, a gas tax increase, another HUGE bonding bill and even more regulatory laws.

    As I said, Thank Heavens the GOP is their to protect us tax payers and the businesses we rely on from the proponents of government over reach and excessive spending.

    I just pray the DFL and Dayton would pass the "Teacher Accountability" laws for the "good of the students". However this is unlikely to happen with the DFL so influenced by the Union who is more interested in what is "good for the Teachers".

  6. "Dayton budget includes $200 million in tax cuts. Dayton said he was open to additional tax cuts but remains “concerned about permanent tax cuts.” (mpr)


  7. I always find that view so humorous. Like it only takes one party to gridlock a government..

    Under our system of government, it does take only one party to gridlock a government.

    "Just like Obama whining about his Attourney General candidate being blocked."

    The president's party is in the minority in the Senate, which means they can't control the calendar. Obviously, the Republican Party which does control the agenda has the responsibility for bringing the nomination to the floor. As I recall, Republicans had no qualms about blaming the Democrats when we controlled the senate for our failure to do certain things like pass a budget resolution. Has something changed?


  8. The Republicans are in a difficult position politically, and until they can resolve their internal political problems, not much will happen. Here is what's going on. Republicans in the last election accused the Democrats of neglecting greater Minnesota. Whatever the merits of that charge, the Republicans prevailed. The result is, they have to spend some money in greater Minnesota in order to keep their promises to the voters who elected them. But the folks who financed their admittedly very effective plan, couldn't care less about Greater Minnesota, indeed probably never venture there. Want they want is lower taxes. And that's the dilemma for our Republican friends. In order to satisfy their voters, Republicans have to spend more money. But in order to satisfy their financial backers, they have to reduce the amount of money they have to spend. That's the real gridlock, and there isn't a lot the DFL can do to help Republicans solve their internal contradictions.


  9. Hiram,
    $72 BILLION per year... I think they can do both. Just have to prioritize better.

  10. An interesting string from MPP.
    "I doubt Mark Dayton could ever play in a sandbox with others. He is not a good listener since he thinks his ideas are what Minnesotans need and want without even listening to the voters. I never want a trust fund baby to be our governor ever again." Mike

    "That must be why he was duly elected by the voters of this state...twice." Jason

    "Or he was elected because the GOP ran 2 really poor candidates?

    I am hoping that Dayton and the DFL keep pushing their tax and spend agenda, at some point the pendulum will be pushed too far and the people will hopefully start asking for financial accountability again.

    By the way, Scott Walker was elected twice and survived an extra challenege. By your rationale, he must be even a better Gov than Dayton." G2A

  11. "Oh yes. I'm sure that's it. Minnesotans REALLY would prefer the conservative ideal, but since the GOP ran lousy candidates they chose Dayton. So this would suggest A. conservative conviction in your average voter is laughably weak. B. you believe the voting public to be immensely stupid, voting in a governor diametrically opposed to their own beliefs for no apparent reason, since whether you liked the republican challengers or not, its not as if they were invisible, or their conservative bonafides unknown or C. (the most likely) You are entirely wrong about how widespread and popular your conservative opinions are, and continue to believe you represent the majority of public thought, even though election after election prove you wrong." Matt

    "Exaggeration: "election after election prove you wrong"

    There have been 2 elections. The first was close, however the third party candidate swayed the result. During the second, Dayton was the incumbent and the GOP ran the non-charismatic Johnson.

    "Minnesotans REALLY would prefer the conservative ideal"

    Actually I believe Minnesoteans prefer the "Moderate to Conservative" ideal. That is why I am happy that the voters are getting to see how far left the Governor is now that he is "unbound". (ie tax and spend) Sometimes I wish the DFL still had complete control, then folks would see how rough things would get if Dayton truly was "unbound". Then I remember to be thankful for the GOP controlled House." G2A

  12. There are two books I have been wanting to read. The first is "the myth of the rational voter." The second, which I don't think will ever be written because it's too obvious, is "the myth of the rational politician." All my life, I've been waiting to vote for the candidate that says, "let's figure out what's the best thing to do, and do that." Anybody want to claim that Dayton is, was, or could ever be that candidate?

  13. The other thing you might consider is that voters are susceptible to negative advertising that outspends the opponent's positive message by 3:1 or more.

  14. Another though from Matt.

    "As the GOP has been such a ringing success on any level it gets to govern... Just say what you mean, you think poor people are inferior to you and yours, you believe poor people vote Democratic because they are stupid and like free stuff ergo any sane rational person HAS to be conservative. Never in all that supposition does the thought cross your mind that maybe, MAYBE people vote for liberal candidates because they believe the fundamental premise of conservatism is wrong. That by voting conservative all they would accomplish is to harm themselves and others so that a few can live free of any care in the world. But then that is the fundamental nature of belief, still holding something true even in the face of contradictory evidence."

  15. Is somebody supposed to react to such nonsense?
