Sunday, May 17, 2015

Dayton Stands Up For Education Minnesota

Laurie,  You were wondering where the funding for your Charter school was being siphoned off to...

MinnPost Dayton Threatens Veto
"Definitely a power grab by Dayton for the Ed MN folks, he apparently wants to double down on their questionable K-12 results. He and the DFL choose to avoid laws to hold them accountable for being effective, and now he wants to give them more money and responsibility. I will never understand." G2A

So you are saying that ALL families in MN NEED Free pre-school?

What is your rationale for not focusing those funds on closing the gap?

As far as I can see Dayton, is "standing up for all kids"... I may not be rich, but I sure had no problem affording 2 years of pre-school for my daughters. Yet Dayton is demanding that tax dollars be paid to the high cost school systems instead of me choosing and paying for a pre-school.

Please remember that you are never going to close the achievement gap by not prioritizing. Children like mine who are 1 or 2 grades ahead in reading, writing and math do not need more school. The kids who are 1, 2 or 3 grades behind do.

Here is an ironic situation. My girls who are AP students are given Summer homework for the next years classes. The kids in standard classes are not... Now isn't that silly." G2A


  1. As far as I know additional funds for charter schools was not proposed by anyone at the capital.

    I think Dayton's threatened veto of the education bill to try to force funding for universal pre-K is dumb both as policy and poltically.

  2. Wow... We agree on something ...


  3. I forgot to mention. I am sure the GOP would be happy to give charters more equitable funding,however they know that it would be DOA with this ED MN supporting Governor.
