Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trump and Obama: Bringers of Hope

MinnPost Trump
"People who feel powerless and angry are looking for someone powerFUL and angry to be their champion. DT (I refuse to utter his full name, even in writing!) has power by virtue of his money. This group of voters is looking for someone to "kick butt and take names" on their behalf. DT fills the bill, at least for now.

It is anomalous that super-wealthy individuals somehow portray themselves as friends of the common man and get away with it. I think poorer voters identify with these people on an aspirational basis. Voting with the rich is the closest these citizens are ever going to get to belonging to the same clubs. Financial success is part of the American dream, and we are taught to admire it. On the other hand, distrust of elites based on education or intelligence runs deep in the American character.

I don't think DT will last, but his current surge is nevertheless disturbing. There are too many historical parallels where an increasingly disaffected and economically struggling population followed a demagogue down the road to dictatorship. We used to think that "it can't happen here" because of broadly shared prosperity and a strong, optimistic middle class. Sadly, that is no longer true." Ann

"Even though I do not support Trump and hope he disappears again soon, I have to wonder. Is this what you think encourages people to vote for the Democrats like Obama? They so desperately want to get ahead that they are willing to give up personal freedoms. You might be on to something.

"There are too many historical parallels where an increasingly disaffected and economically struggling population followed a demagogue down the road to dictatorship."

Remember these goodies: “Hope” and “Change We Can Believe In”" G2A


  1. I guess I don't understand the parallel you're trying to draw here. Can you elaborate?

  2. One of the things to keep in mind about Trump or at least the image of Trump is that he actually built stuff, at least at one point in his career. That was always the problem with someone like Mitt Romney whose wealth was based on paper shuffling. I think the American people sense that about The Donald, and it's part of what gives him his appeal.


  3. "People who feel powerless and angry are looking for someone powerFUL and angry to be their champion."

    "I don't think DT will last, but his current surge is nevertheless disturbing."

    I just thought Ann's comment was interesting. I am guessing that she would see DT's support by the powerless angry masses as disturbing. Where as she would see Obama's support by the powerless angry masses as inspirational or empowering.

    Where as I see little difference between them. They are both narcissist's who work to gain power by using people's hopes, fears, desires and beliefs in anyway possible.

    Not that different from most politicians.

  4. Your last 3 posts are to dumb to comment on. Do you really think trump is similar to Obama or are you just trying to be annoying? If you keep up the recent trend in idiotic posts I will have to quit reading your blog.

  5. Laurie, please don't leave. When you see something "dumb" you have an obligation to enlighten the rest of us and point it out. For instance, this point that the "far right" Trump (though he is really no such thing, merely a poseur) and the "far left" Obama/Sanders have appeal to the extreme among voters who tire of the "business as usual" non-straight-shooting Washington politics.
