Here is a link to an interesting article and related comments.
MinnPost MN Hispanic Republican Assembly
"Seems: A comparison/analogy was made to a statement Reagan a Republican made, vs. the Republican chant of today. The challenge was to philosophically explain the significant difference between the Berlin wall and the Southern Border wall? The claim is: both sets of folks want to be free and live a good life in a land of opportunity. " Dennis
"Please remember that Mexico is a Democracy, not a communistic oligarchy. Also, the USA will still encourage legal immigration, communications , trade, relations, etc. With this in mind I see the Berlin wall and the Mexican walls as very different things.
Democracy in Mexico the past, present and future
Let's say there are ~5 Billion people in the world that would love to move to the USA. How many of them do you want to invite and how fast? Do you want them to stand in line, get back ground checks, etc or do you just want them to run across the border?
I would prefer orderly controlled immigration. If nothing else, to treat those who are following the process with respect. (ie no line budging allowed...) And if we really want to increase starting wages, it may be a good idea to reduce the number of people who can do those jobs to the legal citizens for now.
By the way, are you pro-NAFTA or con-NAFTA?" G2A
The point of my last question is that usually Liberals who are in support of a "Path to Citizenship" and weaker borders are against NAFTA. And it just occurred to me that this is very ironic since they are concerned about the jobs going to these other low cost countries, but they are okay with having the low cost labor come here. Thoughts?
I am still puzzled that more Hispanics do not vote GOP since many seem to be Catholic. (ie anti- abortion and LGBT marriage)
"I am still puzzled that more Hispanics do not vote GOP since many seem to be Catholic. (ie anti- abortion and LGBT marriage)"
ReplyDeleteI think you have Catholics confused with Evangelicals.
Social justice is a primary issue in the Catholic Church, whereas it's not so important to the GOP.
Joel is right, but I think it is more likely the very effective demonization of Republicans that takes place during every two-year election cycle.
ReplyDeleteConsidering the Catholic churches long long history of the church and its administrators putting themselves ahead of the flock, I think I question that interpretation.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I understand the new Pope is a significant change from the past 50+ years. In that he is reminding them of their humility and social mission.
And birth control, abortions and LGBT are still pretty high on the Catholic churches list of major no no's. All of which the Democrats whole heartedly support and encourage.
Though I think people are more likely to vote their wallet / family than their faith.
ReplyDeleteAnd if the Democrats offer more government freebies from someone else's pocket, and a pardon for cousin Juan, it is likely they will vote for the Democrat.
A Republican politician offering law and order, lower taxes, self responsibility, self attainment, etc probably is a hard sell for many of them.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think the Republicans offer the typical Hispanic?
I understand why the industrious Hispanics who want to work hard and open a business. Like the guy in the link.
"From what I understand the new Pope is a significant change from the past 50+ years. In that he is reminding them of their humility and social mission."
ReplyDeleteSocial Justice has been a pillar of the Church far longer than you imagine.
"And birth control, abortions and LGBT are still pretty high on the Catholic churches list of major no no's. All of which the Democrats whole heartedly support and encourage."
The Catholic hierarchy and the 'rule books' may place those things high on the list, but the people, aka the Church, are much less likely to do so, in my personal experience. Most Catholics have a deep sense of humility, which keeps them from judging others' hearts and minds. That is not something I see in Evangelicals. I don't think it should be surprising that many, if not most, Catholics vote for Democrats.
Or they project views... Interesting article
ReplyDelete"White Catholics" Meh...So racist and xenophobic Catholics are aligning with the GOP? That's not shocking.
ReplyDeleteWhat I think is more interesting is the idea of individualism vs. federalism.
I personally think that it will be more effective to change the minds and hearts of the individuals who are faced with the choice of what to do with a pregnancy than to scream dogma or legalism at them. For all we hear about individual responsibility, don't you think it makes more sense to help the individuals choose life than to force them to do something they may not want to do. Abortion can be reduced...maybe eliminated. But not by removing it as an option for people.
But perhaps I veered off-topic.
No problem. We often ramble and then I turn your questions/thoughts into a new post.