Monday, January 11, 2016

Vikings Loss

So for something totally different, what did you think of the game.  At first I was going to be angry with the kicker and ball holder, then I remembered that without them the Vikings would have scored ZERO points yesterday.

On the upside I am sure they will be a much more consistent and better team once they move into the shiny new stadium. :-)


  1. We can spend all the money in the world on the Vikings (or close to it) and still all that matters is that a field goal went wide left. It reminds us that money is not the solution to our problems.


  2. That's what Jerry and I keep saying when Liberals ask for more government funding...

  3. I think in sports as well as schools more money can make a difference. Take the Yankees for example.

    about yesterday's game, I didn't see it as I spent the afternoon at school working.


  4. That's what Jerry and I keep saying when Liberals ask for more government funding...

    It's not something I disagree with in principle. Surely they could have spared some of the money they spent on the building and used it to acquire a better field goal kicker.


  5. I think in sports as well as schools more money can make a difference. Take the Yankees for example.

    The Yankees are a more complicated example because they haven't been very good in recent years despite having all the money in the world. That raises a different question in economics. Baseball has created a system with vast wealth disparities yet in terms of productivity, the rich simply fritter their money away.


  6. I would change your quote to:

    "The Government is a more complicated example because they haven't been very good in recent years despite having all the money in the world."

    The government takes and spends a HUGE amount of our country's GDP, and yet many would ask that we give them even more to "fritter away".

    To me it seems that people "fritter away" money when it has relatively low value to them. $100 has little value to some people who have attained wealth too easy. And $1,000,000 has little value to many politicians and bureaucrats because it is "someone else's money". (ie easy painless way to buy votes)

    As for a better kicker... Blair Walsh Stats I think would be hard to do.

  7. Remember the Vikings led 9-0 going into the 4th quarter, completely erasing the what, 28 point trouncing they took just a few weeks ago. Since they obviously play better outside in the cold, we could have saved a billion dollars on that new stadium and had a better team. Sort of like spending more money on education to get poorer results, which is the case today.
